Children are a gift from God

Dear parents and guardians, in life we all treasure and love gifts, may be you don’t but I for one do. Now, children are a gift that comes from God, meaning that they are to be treasured, loved, cherished, esteemed and taken care of.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Dear parents and guardians, in life we all treasure and love gifts, may be you don’t but I for one do. Now, children are a gift that comes from God, meaning that they are to be treasured, loved, cherished, esteemed and taken care of.

In my neighbourhood I have heard parents calling their children all sorts of bad names because of the mistakes the little ones do.

Fellow parents, remember that the words that we speak to those little boys/girls are of either positive or negative impact.

Have you used bad words against you younger ones? It’s high time we changed the way we address little ones in our care. Be an encourager not a discourager, a motivator, an inspiration.

Speak words that build up their lives and propel them to the higher levels. Even when they are in wrong, it’s good to let them know that they have done wrong but the way we do it matters.

Let the rebuke be done in love and in a friendly manner. Don’t be over rude and harsh on them. Remember that the power of life and death lies in your mouth and if so, does your mouth give life to your children or the reverse is true?

We are getting to the end of the year, call those children that are under your care and make an end of year address to them, tell them where they have gone wrong and how you want them to change but also show gratitude for their efforts and input.

This would also be a good time to let them know that you believe in them and that they can make it in life. Challenge them to face life squarely, assure them of your support at all times and be available for them when they need you.

My wish for you all is that you live happily in the New Year.
