She dumped it while others longed for it

I still do not understand the spirit behind mothers who keep on dumping their own children. Dumping seems to be a business that can be started up by any one. It is unfortunate that mothers still go beyond the law and abuse the rights of their own children.

Monday, December 31, 2007

I still do not understand the spirit behind mothers who keep on dumping their own children. Dumping seems to be a business that can be started up by any one. It is unfortunate that mothers still go beyond the law and abuse the rights of their own children.

A story that run in the New Times, a colleague of mine Bonny Mukombozi, bureau chief in Ruhengeri recently reported of a case which involved a mother who dumped her eight month child early in the morning on Christmas day.

On the same day (Christmas) Florence Mutesi a reporter from the New Times, talked to one of the nurses at KFH. And in her speech, a nurse who preferred anonymity said "Expectant parents normally ask for caesarian to begin a year with their babies.”

It confuses me when I hear some expectant mothers yearning to begin the year with their babies while other are seriously wanting to eliminate them.

This is unfair, children are gifts from God. Take the example of Joseph and Mary the parents of Jesus; though they were not his biological parents, they made sure that they raised him in the fear of God and good discipline.

Dear parents, I am appealing to you to raise your children in the fear of God and good discipline, despite the challenges you may have passed through in conceiving that child.

Aim at helping them become the people of their dreams. Children are treasures, everlasting wealth and riches which can be shared by anyone. Let us see children as great wealth we cannot afford to lose.         
