Rwanda Cinema Centre (RCC) in collaboration with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in Rwanda, are organizing the jazz festival titled ‘Ragtime Jazz’.
Rwanda Cinema Centre (RCC) in collaboration with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in Rwanda, are organizing the jazz festival titled ‘Ragtime Jazz’.
The Director of RCC Pierre Lalumiere Kayitana said that it is the first time such an event will take place in the country, but most important Rwandan artists will be sharing skills with their American fellow artists.
"It’s the first time RCC is organising a music and movie festival at the same time,” Kayitana told The New Times.
There will be a series of events held on June 13th at Top Tower Hotel, 15th at Kigali Serena with the grand concert on the 18th at Kigali Serena Hotel.
The grand concert will feature a silent movie and spectacular performances from local artists Atome, Mutsar, Ben Ngabo and Jeff, Anne Banhart, Brian Holland, Danny Coots, from New York will be the guest artists.
Ragtime is a musical genre that was introduced by Afro-Americans in the 19th century and was the first style of music that spread all over America. It became popular between 1897 and 1918.
Its main trait is the syncopated or "ragged”, rhythm and opened the doors for free style performance. Ideally, the music was played for fun, but at the same time portrayed the sufferings of the slaves and racism in America.
The event is sponsored by the USA Embassy, Fespad, COGEBANQUE, FINA Bank, BCR, BRD, AGS MOVERS, QG Limited, Braliwa, Serena Hotels, UTC and Top Tower Hotel.