Expo targets 19% increment in participation

As registration for this year’s Rwanda International Trade Fair (RITF) kicks off in earnest, the Private Sector Federation (PSF)—the main organizers of the event targets a 19 percent rise in exhibitors compared to last year. 

Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Jean de Dieu Hakizimana, the Expo Coordinator at PSF

As registration for this year’s Rwanda International Trade Fair (RITF) kicks off in earnest, the Private Sector Federation (PSF)—the main organizers of the event targets a 19 percent rise in exhibitors compared to last year. 

Jean de Dieu Hakizimana, the Expo Coordinator at PSF said they are targeting 500 exhibitors compared to 419 last year.  

"We particularly want to increase the number of foreign exhibitors and to achieve this; we have put up focal points in the region, Middle East, china and other Asian countries that will mobilize foreign exhibitors for us,” said Hakizimana.

The exhibition that will start from August 26 to September 6, 2010 seeks to attract 200 foreign exhibitors compared to 117 that attended last year and increase countries represented in 2009 from 11 to 25 this year.

The exhibiting sectors will include manufacturing, service, art and craft, agribusiness fruits and beverage as well as entertainment among others. 

Hakizimana also said that the exhibition will give local companies a unique platform for sales opportunity and networking forum for the business community and other participants that will be attending the event.

The secretariat also stressed the importance of the local companies taking part in exhibitions as giving opportunities to local companies to showcase their innovation, sharing experience with international companies and strike business partnerships. 

Exhibition space will cost $100 and $1350 per square meter and 9 square meters respectively for foreign exhibitors while the local companies will have to pay Rwf40, 500 per square meter and Rwf450, 000 per 9 square meters. 

The 13th trade fair has so far attracted about 20 foreign participants and with two more months to go, PSF believes they will achieve their goal. 

"The special thing about this year’s expo is that all countries of this region will be represented including Congo which has previously missed, we are working with the Congolese government through their embassy to have them represented,” said Hakizimana.
