Children are the greatest wealth parents have

It was all joy when Women Foundation Ministries threw a Christmas bash recently. The children who were present had been on a special holiday training with some of the children’s specialist of the organisation.

Monday, December 31, 2007

It was all joy when Women Foundation Ministries threw a Christmas bash recently. The children who were present had been on a special holiday training with some of the children’s specialist of the organisation.

Alice Umunezero Mignonne, the founder and the active member of Women Foundation Ministries told the Children’s Times that over 100 children from different families and children orphanages attended the bash.

Among the lessons which were given children in a one month time was, knowing their biological changes and how to fight against domestic violence.

In line with the fight against domestic violence, children were called upon to break the silence whenever they are abused or violated by people at home.

Parents should have time and talk to their children; children are the only wealth parents have said Umunezero. She further said that children in our families keep on suffering rejection.

Umunezero added that if a child is not given room to express her self at home, he / she will not find it easy to socialize with other children in the society.

Children on that day were entertained by artists Mani-Martin, Eddie Kamoso,  Father Christmas and their fellow children.

At least every child who was present together with their parents, guardians, house helps had something to eat, drink and finally at the closure of the bash walked away with a Christmas gift.
