Where is our Tusker Project trio?

“…and the next person to leave the academy is… Christian from Rwanda,” the emcee Mitch announced as Christian was shown the exit from the 2009 Tusker Project Fame competitions. This was no surprise to both Christian and the fans who had upheld him with their SMSs.

Saturday, June 05, 2010
L-R : Nina Bola ; Alpha Rwirangira

"…and the next person to leave the academy is… Christian from Rwanda,” the emcee Mitch announced as Christian was shown the exit from the 2009 Tusker Project Fame competitions.

This was no surprise to both Christian and the fans who had upheld him with their SMSs. His charming looks and sweet personality outweighed his weaknesses to take him to the last eight spot.

On his arrival at Kigali International Airport, Christian told hundreds of fans that he was ready to shine. "This is my time and I have just started the music journey,” he said over and over again.

However Christian is taking longer than expected to shine. He released two singles, "Amalira” and "Waramutse” which did not catch heat.

He is reportedly in studio recording some of his songs, perhaps fans will have to be a little more patient to see him fulfill his promises.

Remember how Nina Bola had equally enjoyed fans’ favor before Christian. With her striking looks, nobody wanted to see the 23 year old out of the academy. She had a fair voice too, and combined with her beauty, I saw an international songbird in her.

However, the name Nina has slowly dropped from Rwandan showbiz since her red carpet moments, in the aftermath of the academy.

The last we heard from the 23 year was her return to Kenya, perhaps to chase her career in the Safari land.
Everyone in East Africa perhaps heard about the TFP 3 hero Alpha, after beating his academy-mates.

Even the judge Juliana believed in Alpha without more ado, saying: " Alpha, can’t wait to see you as an African star, am yo fan.”

Loaded and famous with a recording offer at South Africa’s Garoah records, Alpha returned home a hero. This feat gave him basis for doing the sometimes tiring music. But he has not yet proved the potential of turning into what hundreds of thousands expected him to when he waved the Rwandan flag at the Tusker final.

About the recording offer, the last time Alpha talked about it, was about a disagreement with the studio on terms of the contract. He seemed to be giving up on the deal.
But unlike the other two, Alpha has managed to release two singles alongside regional stars, AY and Bebe Cool.

He is also working on new releases with the 2009 Gospel artist of the year, Aline Gahongayire and Sparks of the Family Squad -we are still waiting for you Alpha.
