The secret life of... : Celestin Ntawuyirushamaboko

Celestin Ntawuyirushamaboko is a journalist at City Radio. He joined the media back in 2006 when he was working with a community radio station in Butare.

Friday, June 04, 2010
Celestin Ntawuyirushamaboko

Celestin Ntawuyirushamaboko is a journalist at City Radio. He joined the media back in 2006 when he was working with a community radio station in Butare.

The first thing you do in the morning

When are you happiest?
When at peace with my colleagues

Greatest fear

Affectionate memory of your parents
The way they brought me up and their efforts towards my education

The most important thing life has taught you
Being down to earth is very important

Greatest achievement
Doing my best at my job

During your free time
I meet my friends and ask them about my news program and what they think I can improve on
Retirement plans
I will write a book on the life style I have lived among other personal businesses.