Construct drainage system in the dry season

In the recent past, I have observed with keen interest that workers are continuing to construct trenches and drainage systems in the rainy season.

Monday, December 31, 2007

In the recent past, I have observed with keen interest that workers are continuing to construct trenches and drainage systems in the rainy season.

This does not make much sense because the chunks of cement are quickly washed away by the waters of the frequent rains.

Trenches and all drainage systems should be constructed during dry seasons to avoid the erection of shoddy structures and wastage of government resources in the long run.

It is really ashaming to see how resources are wasted as they are carried away by water at different trenches.

The ministry of infrastructure should look in to this issue of management before too much of the tax money is wasted in the construction shoddy structures.

Draining the Kigali’s water is one thing and managing the resources used in the construction is another important thing.