Good luck with Kwita Izina

Dear Editor, I would like to wish the Rwandan people a fruitful gorilla naming event tomorrow. Tourism has not only raked in millions of dollars, but has also contributed to putting Rwanda back on its feet. The first time I heard about Rwanda, was when I watched the movie Gorillas in the Mist.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Dear Editor,

I would like to wish the Rwandan people a fruitful gorilla naming event tomorrow. Tourism has not only raked in millions of dollars, but has also contributed to putting Rwanda back on its feet. The first time I heard about Rwanda, was when I watched the movie Gorillas in the Mist.

Allow me to commend the government and all stake holders involved in the conservation of the gorillas. Those animals are simply too precious and deserve all the care and love that they are getting.

So many people in this world would do anything to have a chance to see the gorillas. I got the opportunity, but I can’t wait till I see them again.
