Editorial: 2007 Achievements should be an inspiration for a better 2008

As the year 2007 comes to an end, we need as a country to take a look at what made 2007 a unique year in the history of Rwanda.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

As the year 2007 comes to an end, we need as a country to take a look at what made 2007 a unique year in the history of Rwanda.

Indeed a number of events occurred that served as an indicator of the potential that is inherent within ‘young’ Rwanda. E.g: International Women’s Conference and The 2007 Aids Implementer’s conference.

Many occurrences and events this year had a significant and profound impact within Rwanda and in the international community.

Indeed several conferences of international standing were organized and held within the country, this cannot be under estimated.

More still, Rwanda has gained an important position in peacekeeping operations as exemplified by the appointment and confirmation of General Karenzi Karake, as the joint force commander of the UN-AU hybrid force in the Darfur region of western Sudan.

Other events like the different awards that were given to Rwanda and particularly the nation’s President have served to showcase the country as one on a clear path of national and international progress.

These achievements should now serve as an inspiration for further achievements that should be registered in the coming year.

To this end therefore, all nationals should endeavour to make 2008 a great and prosperous year drawing lessons from 2007 and other past years.

The year also had several challenges which should serve as an indicator that a lot still has to be done, to make the country a better and united home for every one.

Issues like Genocide Ideology in schools ought to remind Rwandans of their history and to re awaken the stand for "Never Again” for lasting peace in the country.
