PETER Erlinder, until his arrest on Friday, had trotted the globe spreading revisionism about, and denying, the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. All this time, he had espoused his hate-filled falsehoods about the Genocide with impunity.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

PETER Erlinder, until his arrest on Friday, had trotted the globe spreading revisionism about, and denying, the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

All this time, he had espoused his hate-filled falsehoods about the Genocide with impunity. The arrogance of all this conduct, is that neither Erlinder nor any other revisionist, can peddle such malicious distortions about the Genocide against the Jews, in many European countries and North America, without feeling the full force of the law.

There are laws in these countries that punish deniers of the Holocaust. For Erlinder, therefore, to have persistently worked to diminish and deny the Genocide against the Tutsi, is not only the height of arrogance, but the epitome of racism.

The fact that he flew into Kigali, straight from Brussels, where he had just sponsored and organised a conference that brought together the who-is-who of the most wanted Genocide criminals and deniers, with the purpose of availing them a platform to spread their ideology, is a demonstration of the contempt he has for the Rwandan people.

Indeed, that one of his eminent speakers at the conference in Belgium, Eugene Rwamucyo, was arrested shortly after the event, by the French authorities, on charges of Genocide, clearly shows that Erlinder has swallowed the Rwandan Genocide ideology; hook, line and sinker.

His arrest in Kigali this week, on charges of Genocide denial, will go a long way to serve as a warning to all the revisionists and Genocide deniers out there, that there is no space for their trade on the Rwandan territory.
