Civil servants donate blood

STAFF members of Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA), the National Electoral Commission and the Auditor General’s office, Thursday donated blood in an exercise conducted by the National Blood Transfusion Centre (NBTC).

Sunday, May 30, 2010

STAFF members of Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA), the National Electoral Commission and the Auditor General’s office, Thursday donated blood in an exercise conducted by the National Blood Transfusion Centre (NBTC).

According to the Director of Human Resource and Administration at RRA,  Seth Muhirwa ,the event is part of the institutions’ social corporate responsibility, and also part of activities in preparation for the ninth celebrations of the Tax Payers Day slated for June 12.

"This activity goes even beyond just reaching out to the community, it is giving life to those in need,” said Muhirwa.
Annet Mukansanga, a staff member of RRA who donated blood, said the exercise will change the public’s perception towards RRA employees, whom, she said, have only been seen as tax collectors.

She also urged the public to join hands and give life to others through donating blood.

RRA has been involved in several activities aimed at reaching out to the public, and according to Muhirwa, this includes donating iron sheets to residents in Rubavu District who were affected by the floods that recently devastated the area.

The institution has also given some vulnerable people access to medical services by paying for their health insurance, commonly known as Mutuelle de Santé.
