Rotarians open health post in Ngoma District

KIGALI Rotary Club members yesterday inaugurated a health post in Gashanda Sector in Ngoma district, Eastern Province after participating in communal work that was financed by the club.

Sunday, May 30, 2010
Rotary club members pose for a photo infront of the health post (Photo: F. Ndoli)

KIGALI Rotary Club members yesterday inaugurated a health post in Gashanda Sector in Ngoma district, Eastern Province after participating in communal work that was financed by the club.

Hundreds of residents who turned up for the occasion were urged to use the health post to improve their health as they no longer have to travel long distances for medical care.

The call was made by the club’s president, Ndoba Mugunga."I call upon all of you; from now onwards, always come for medication at this health post as we join the fight against malaria and HIV/AIDS.”

Mugunga added that the club will also soon provide solar energy for the clinic.The health post will mainly target women and children and medication will be given free of charge.

The health project is under the umbrella of Rotary International in partnership with the Rotary Club of Kigali, Rotary Club of Mount Skagit in Washington USA, the Anglican Church of Rwanda and Humanity for Children.

The project has also seen the completion of another health clinic in Karama Sector, Ngoma that cost over $100,000.
Addressing the residents, the district Mayor, François Niyotwagira, called upon the residents to prepare for the upcoming Presidential elections. He urged them not to tolerate politicians with bad politics who could hinder the country’s current development.

"Let’s ignore these politicians who have come up with politics of revisionism and ethnic division,” said Niyotwagira.
The exercise was attended by Adolphe Bazatoha, a member of parliament who is also a member of Kigali Rotary Club.
Rotary International is a secular organization devoted to bringing together business and professional leaders to provide humanitarian service.
