Police arrest 105 idlers

SOUTHERN PROVINCE RUHANGO — Security authorities in Ruhango district have arrested one hundred and five people alleged of idling. Police, Army and Local Defense Forces arrested the suspects in a three-hour operation mounted in Ruhango recently. Some of the arrested suspects included teenagers who did not posses identifications and idlers.

Friday, December 28, 2007


RUHANGO — Security authorities in Ruhango district have arrested one hundred and five people alleged of idling. Police, Army and Local Defense Forces arrested the suspects in a three-hour operation mounted in Ruhango recently. Some of the arrested suspects included teenagers who did not posses identifications and idlers.

"The day and night operation has continued in major trading centres in all sectors and this will go on through the New Year day celebrations,” said the Inspector of Police in Ruhango Emmanuel Gahigi.

"This year’s Christmas has been very peaceful compared to the past years and there have been no major criminal offences. Last year (2006) there were two cases of murder and Police in Ruhango has beefed up on security to curb down crime throughout this season,” he added.

However, residents say that the reduction in crime is attributed to less business activities and it’s alleged that there have been fewer people celebrating Christmas compared to past years.

"Crime is mainly caused by big numbers of people in bars and lots of uncontrolled activity in throughout the night; this season has seen few celebrants cause of lack of money saved earlier” Claude Nzayisenga, a trader said.
