Never again and now let us stand as ONE

Its great to know our history and it feels greater if we can learn from it. But the moment we start to live in the past then progress is put to a stand still.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Its great to know our history and it feels greater if we can learn from it. But the moment we start to live in the past then progress is put to a stand still.

This country has been through the thick and thin as you all may know, many lives were lost, families destroyed and trauma caused in the lives of many.

Friends this is the time for reconciliation, putting our past aside and working together for a better Rwanda. Thank God there we are here but we should bear in mind that we are here for a purpose.

We live at a time like this so as to propel this country to another level United we stand and divided we fall and as the saying goes, "a house divided against itself can not stand.”

If we choose to stand divided we will soon become an object of scorn. This country needs oneness in purpose, togetherness in pushing into the same direction and we should not forget that all the doors of opportunity are marked "PUSH.”

Be aware of the people that stand aloof and greet each venture with reproof; the world would stop if things were run by men who say, "it cant be done.”

No one and nothing can put a limit on the people or the great nation of Rwanda apart from us. A lot of people no longer hope for the best, they just hope to avoid the worst.

Many of us have heard the opportunity knocking at our door, but by the time we unhooked the chain, pushed back the bolt, turned two locks and shut off the burglar alarm-it was gone!

Too many of us spend our lives looking around, looking down or looking behind yet we are supposed to lookup and forward. The sky is not the limit.

Don’t waste time living in the past because the present is passing by and the future draws nearer.
