Ninth RDF peacekeeper dies in Darfur

DARFUR - A Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF) peacekeeper has died from natural illness in Sudanese Darfur region.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

DARFUR - A Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF) peacekeeper has died from natural illness in Sudanese Darfur region.

Sergeant Andrew Rutikanga died recently and his body will be flown in at Kigali International Airport this morning (11:00am), according to Military Spokesman Maj. Jill Rutaremara.

"He went to sleep and the next day he was found dead,” Rutaremara said yesterday.

Rwanda, which maintains at least 3500 peacekeepers in Darfur, has so far lost nine soldiers in the war-torn region, most of them killed in accidents, since the first RDF deployment in Darfur in August, 2004.

Rutikanga, 40, is survived by a wife and four children. His family lives in Karongi District, Western Province.

He has been serving in RDF’s 25th  battalion (based in Karongi), which left for Darfur about a month ago, under the command of Lt. Col. Paul Nyemazi.

The battalion is deployed in Darfur’s Sector One (North Sector).

"The RDF has already conveyed condolence message to the deceased’s family,” Rutaremara said.
