Communicating the benefits of the EAC Common Market to the people of Rwanda

EDITOR, This is in reference to the very interesting article written by Allan Brian Ssenyonga entitled “When and where is our EAC Conference”. I fully agree with Ssenyonga that merely having a “Common Market “of around 130 million people and a GDP in the region of US$ 73 billion , is meaningless if the benefits of this massive market which will be available to all Rwandans with effect from 1 July, 2010, is not communicated effectively to the masses.

Monday, May 24, 2010


This is in reference to the very interesting article written by Allan Brian Ssenyonga entitled "When and where is our EAC Conference”.

I fully agree with Ssenyonga that merely having a "Common Market "of around 130 million people and a GDP in the region of US$ 73 billion , is meaningless if the benefits of this massive market which will be available to all Rwandans with effect from 1 July, 2010, is not communicated effectively to the masses.

Please allow me to share with Ssenyonga and your readers the plans initiated in the metropolis of Mumbai to communicate to the masses similar initiatives.

Each area has formed what is called "Local Area Management” ( LAMs) Teams. The authorities, be it the civic authorities like the municipal corporation or the state government authorities communicate any special programmes, ideas or initiatives to the masses through the LAMs which are formed in each and every locality.

Whatever communication needs to be made is effectively passed on by the city councils and by the locally elected representatives.

The outcome of all these small regional meetings is then taken up for further discussion and for the necessary implementation of valuable suggestions.

Such a method of communication will also equally benefit the other EAC countries -

Rwanda can be the first EAC country to set the example and trend for the other four EAC countries to emulate. In fact, this would, in my opinion, be far more productive than just having a massive rally or conference in a stadium.

I am wishing Rwandan businessmen as well as the people of Rwanda a very successful entry into the Common Market.

Kind regards.

Clarence Fernandes
Rwanda Renaissance