Imbuto awards girls, guardians

RUBAVU - In a bid to empower female students, Imbuto Foundation, last week awarded 16 best performing girls in last year’s Primary Leaving and Ordinary Level Examinations, from the Western Province.

Monday, May 24, 2010
The Minister of Gender, Jeanne du2019Arc Mujawamariya hands over a heifer to one of the guardians. (Photo R. Mugabe)

RUBAVU - In a bid to empower female students, Imbuto Foundation, last week awarded 16 best performing girls in last year’s Primary Leaving and Ordinary Level Examinations, from the Western Province.

Also awarded were guardian angels commonly known as "Malaika Murinzi.” Guardian angels are people who have been exemplary in looking after children who are not their own.

Each winning girl walked away with a gift pack that included an assortment of scholastic materials, Rwf 20,000 as well as certificates of merit signed by the First Lady, Jeannete Kagame.

"We are doing this to encourage you to excel and promote education of girls in general,” Jeanne d’Arc Mujawamariya, the Minister of Gender and Family Promotion, who presided over the function, said.

Mujawamariya, however, said that the number of girls awarded were still few.  

Speaking at the occasion, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance, Kampeta Sayinzoga, urged the students to always make proper choices.

"Your choice shapes your future,” Sayinzoga said. "You need to make good choices in your daily life because when you make a good choice you will succeed but when you make wrong choice you will fail.”

Sayinzoga, who was speaking as a role model to the girls, gave an example of herself, saying that at 29, she is probably the youngest Permanent Secretary in the region.
Meanwhile, the four guardian angels were got cows and certificates.

"I picked this young boy from the bush when his parents had just been murdered. Despite the challenges, I have been able to raise him and pay his school fees with proceeds from pottery,” Jacqueline Uwamahoro, one of the guardian angels said.  

Mujawamariya reminded the audience that a guardian doesn’t necessarily need to have material wealth, but a good heart.

This event is part of similar countrywide ceremonies that were launched, early May, by the First Lady, Mrs Kagame, in Karongi district
