Religion and Circumcision

Though circumcision is common among Muslims, Jews as well as the Orthodox Christian sects perform this ritual. Male circumcision is the simple removal of the penis? foreskin and is carried out by different people for religious, cultural or medical purposes.

Monday, May 24, 2010
faced the knife

Though circumcision is common among Muslims, Jews as well as the Orthodox Christian sects perform this ritual. Male circumcision is the simple removal of the penis? foreskin and is carried out by different people for religious, cultural or medical purposes.

Jewish outlook

According to the Holy Bible (Genesis 17:9-14) Abraham was commanded by God to circumcise himself, all members of his household, his offspring and slaves in an everlasting covenant. 

In the Jewish law, failure to circumcise meant being banished from the rest of the community of God.

?Brit Milah? which means ?covenant of circumcision? is a Jewish ritual performed on a baby boy eight days after he?s been born. This is done by a ?Mohel?- a trained person who safely performs the procedure.

It is one of the most well-known Jewish customs and signifies the unique relationship between a Jewish boy and God. Traditionally, baby boys are named after circumcision.

Muslim perception

Although it?s not mentioned in the holy Qur?an; Male circumcision- Sunnah is religiously practiced by the followers of Islam as a precedent from the prophet.

Every Muslim is expected to follow the way of life of the Prophet Mohammed. Therefore, all Muslims observe this ritual.

Muslims are obliged to follow not only Allah?s message in the Holy Qur?an but also what the Prophet said or did, as proof of their dedication to Islam.

Prophet Mohammed compared male circumcision to ?fitrah? (the natural cleanliness of man) along with the shaving of pubic hair, the cutting of nails, and the clipping of the moustache. Circumcision is obligatory for Muslim boys for hygiene and health reasons.

However, a big number of Muslims today perceive circumcision as an introduction to the Islamic faith and a sign of belonging.

The age at which circumcision is performed varies from family, region and country. The practice is preferably done at the age of seven years however; in some places it?s done on the seventh day after birth and as late as puberty.

Christian position 

As a Jew, Jesus was circumcised. Although the Old Testament refers to circumcision as a sign of a covenant with God, it is not stated as a necessity in the New Testament. However Christians are urged to be ?circumcised of the heart? by trusting in Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross.