Relocation of Kibuye market irks traders

KARONGI - The proposed relocation of Kibuye market in Bwishura Sector, Karongi district has been criticised by residents and traders alike. The district announced plans to shift the market recently, arguing that its current location hinders the development of infrastructure within the central part of the district.

Monday, May 24, 2010

KARONGI - The proposed relocation of Kibuye market in Bwishura Sector, Karongi district has been criticised by residents and traders alike

The district announced plans to shift the market recently, arguing that its current location hinders the development of infrastructure within the central part of the district.

However, most of the residents including traders who talked to The New Times expressed disappointment over the district’s proposal, saying the decision was ill-conceived.

"Our clients had become used to this market and relocating to a new place will definitely slow our businesses,” Jean Pierre Kanyandekwe, one of the traders said.

Just like the traders, clients also think that it will demand a lot of effort to get accustomed to the new place.
Saiba Gashanana, the Executive Secretary of Bwishyura sector, however, called for calm among the residents, saying that all their views will be considered before making a final decision.

"There is no need for the residents to worry; the market may be shifted as much as it may not. We shall ask them to make suggestions about the idea before a concrete decision is made,” Gashanana said.
