WfWI trains over 600 women in Life skills

KAYONZA – Over 680 women graduated yesterday after one year’s training in life skills conducted by Women for Women International (WfWI) at GAKO Organic farm in Kabuga. According to Bella Kabarungi, the Director WfWI, the organisation provides vulnerable women with skills to help them live a meaningful life.

Sunday, May 23, 2010
Women graduates display some of their modern agricutural products.

KAYONZA – Over 680 women graduated yesterday after one year’s training in life skills conducted by Women for Women International (WfWI) at GAKO Organic farm in Kabuga.

According to Bella Kabarungi, the Director WfWI, the organisation provides vulnerable women with skills to help them live a meaningful life.

She noted that the favourable political climate in Rwanda, allowed the organization to train such a big number of women in just one year.

"We give life skills to vulnerable women… it is interesting to see the fundamental changes we have brought in the lives of these women,” Kabarungi said.

"Women have improved their livelihoods and lifestyles in a very short period. I am happy that today rural women are also bread winners in their homes”.

Anita Mutesi, the Vice Mayor in charge of Social Affairs in the district, applauded WfWI initiative.

She requested the newly trained women to use the skills they acquired to emancipate themselves economically.
Mutesi advised the population to emulate the attitude of international sponsors to help the needy in communities.

"Use the skills to improve your livelihoods and those of your neighbours. The foreigners who sponsored you, should be your models, so that you also think about bringing up other rural women,” she said.

Jeanette Mukansabimana one of the trainees, said that the training she has undergone, has changed her life for the better.

"I am today an independent woman, working to supplement my husband’s efforts to support the family. I am an equal player in short…this is a new development, because I used to depend on my husband for virtually everything,” she noted.
