JICA to advocate for Gisimba Memorial Centre

JAPAN International Cooperation Agency (JICA), through Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV), will advocate for financial support for Gisimba Memorial Centre in Nyamirambo to enable the orphanage transform children into useful citizens.

Sunday, May 23, 2010
Ms Kayoko Higika (centre) with some of the children at Gisimba Memorial Centre. (Photo: G. Mugoya)

JAPAN International Cooperation Agency (JICA), through Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV), will advocate for financial support for Gisimba Memorial Centre in Nyamirambo to enable the orphanage transform children into useful citizens.

Addressing journalists yesterday, Ms Kayoko Higaki, a member of JOCV who has been working with the orphanage but is set to leave the country early next month, promised to do what it takes to see that the orphanage is supported.

"I have discussed with these children and they have great ambitions to develop this country. I shall advocate for their support,” Higaki said.

The Director of the Orphanage, Jean Ndayishimiye, said JICA has been providing support to the orphanage and appreciated the move, adding that this would bridge the gap which the orphanage suffers currently.
"Sometimes our students fail to join higher institutions of learning because we cannot afford to pay their fees,” Ndayishimiye said.

Higaki has also managed to create an internet connection where children at the centre are able to share experience in various aspects including culture, language, dance and sports with students of Japanese high schools and university students in Kitakyushu, Kyushu Island in Japan.

Gisimba Memorial Centre takes care of about 150 children. They are provided with fees, scholastic materials, clothing, feeding and medical care among others.

According to Ndayishimiye, the orphanage has existed for over 20 years and has children in primary and  secondary schools as well as in university.
