78 % in Kigali City have IDs

With just less than three months to the August 9 Presidential polls, only 78 percent of people living in Kigali City have acquired their national Identity Cards. Solange Mukasonga, Kigali City Executive Secretary, revealed this yesterday while presenting a report on the city’s achievements during KCC’s ‘Open Day’ held at Petit Stade in Remera.

Saturday, May 22, 2010
Kigali City local leaders at the Open Day event yesterday (Phot F.Goodman)

With just less than three months to the August 9 Presidential polls, only 78 percent of people living in Kigali City have acquired their national Identity Cards.

Solange Mukasonga, Kigali City Executive Secretary, revealed this yesterday while presenting a report on the city’s achievements during KCC’s ‘Open Day’ held at Petit Stade in Remera.

Among the achievements is the completion of Kicukiro Taxi Park, the starting of city mobile health clinics and more cooperative societies dealing with sanitation and hygiene.
PAPSDSK, an NGO aimed at helping the city acquire medical facilities is operational and five water channels were built in several parts of the city.

PAPSDSK also intends to build seven health centres in the city starting July.

Despite having made tremendous successes in completing Gacaca cases, in her presentation, Mukasonga said that there are still shortcomings in completing property cases.
"Most of the pending Gacaca cases in Kigali City are those related to property,” she said.

Jeanne d’Arc Gakuba, the city vice Mayor in charge of Social Affairs who presided over the event, called for partnership by all stakeholders so that the city achieves its vision, and ultimately that of the country.

The event attended by hundreds of local government officials and local NGOs operating within the city, had also attracted people with disabilities who pledged to be part of the country’s development programmes to stop being beggars by starting income generating activities.
