Perfect Weekend…. : Dieudonme Ishimwe Kagame

Dieudonme Ishimwe Kagame is a local artiste with the brand name Prince Kid. The young man is also a 3rd year Computer Science student at INILAK.. He says that since he is busy through the week, he spends the weekend on personal issues.

Friday, May 21, 2010
Dieudonme Ishimwe Kagame

Dieudonme Ishimwe Kagame is a local artiste with the brand name Prince Kid. The young man is also a 3rd year Computer Science student at INILAK.. He says that since he is busy through the week, he spends the weekend on personal issues.

He had this to say;

I start enjoying my weekend on Friday night. At about 8a.m, I organize to meet my friends for the evening.

By 10a.m, I am already with my friends and among others; I spend time with Rider Man. This is when we share and discuss challenges and how we can advance in life.

I normally take soft drinks with chicken or fish as we make numerous plans. By mid-night, I am  home. On Saturday, I may visit or get to places of interest but with friends. What is unique about the day, is that I spare some time to listen to my own music compositions.

I love DJ Bissoso, so the night gets me at Planet Club where I enjoy the drinks and dancing.

On Sunday, I play football at ETO Kicukiro from 9a.m to at least 10:30 before I go for a church service.

By 12p.m, I am home, watch movies as I prepare for Monday. I have supper a bit early so as to get to bed before 10pm. This helps me to get up in time for next day’s program.

That makes my weekend perfect.