Sector leaders extends services to grassroots

GATSIBO – Kiramuruzi sector leaders in Gatsibo district have initiated a programme of taking services to the grassroot level. This is for the purposes of addressing residents’ burning issues. According to the Sector Executive Secretary, Bishop Kihangire, the idea is to bring public service closer to the citizens.

Friday, May 21, 2010

GATSIBO – Kiramuruzi sector leaders in Gatsibo district have initiated a programme of taking services to the grassroot level. This is for the purposes of addressing residents’ burning issues.

According to the Sector Executive Secretary, Bishop Kihangire, the idea is to bring public service closer to the citizens.

‘For example some mothers carry babies and travel long distances to the Sector headquarters which is a burden to them. So, as Sector leaders we have allocated three days of each month to visiting villages to help those residents who could not manage to reach the sector headquarters,’ he said.

Kihangire added that the programme will also facilitate in evaluating performance contracts at village levels.

Zamda Nyirarudodo, Gasave village leader in Nyabisindu cell where the programme kicked off, said that they will also assess sanitation standards in homesteads.

Joel Ngoga, one of the residents who was had benefited from the new decentralised programme said that it was timely.

‘I have been travelling over 10 km to Kiramuruzi sector but today, I have got my national ID easily. This programme is really helpful to residents in remote areas,’ he said.
