Vestine and Dorcas launch debut album in style
Sunday, December 25, 2022
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It was an evening of praise and worship as renowned gospel duo of Vestine and Dorcas on December 24, launched their debut album in a concert that was held at the Kigali Conference and Exhibition Village.

The was attended by fans from all walks of life including, local celebrities, different media practitioners, former beauty contestants, actors and actresses, and artists in both gospel and secular music amongst others, who came to support the duo as they celebrated two years of doing gospel music.

Aline Gahongayire who was the event MC said that ‘it is Jesus who invited everyone to the 'Nahawe Ijambo Album Launch' concert before welcoming Vestine Ishimwe and Dorcas Kamikazi, who make the duo of Vestine and Dorcas, exciting the audience that was eagerly waiting for them as they performed 'Arakiza' live.

"Special thanks to God who granted us this evening. We've been praying and waiting for this day a lot. Let's celebrate the end of the year and look forward to the next one together. Thank you all for coming to support us. This really means a lot to us and we love you so much," said the duo after singing one song and then went on to perform 'Papa.'

Apostle Mignonne Kabera was the preacher of the night with the theme 'Nahawe Ijambo' which is the biblical verse in 2 Peter 1:19, "We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto you will do well to pay attention to it, as unto a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts."

After her preaching, Mignonne initiated an auction of the album before donating Rwf 1 M performed 'Adonai' and later declared their love for her.

Actress Aliah Cool purchased a CD for Rwf 2 M, while others fans it for 1.2 M, 1 M, Rwf 500, 000, 300,000, some at 50,000 and 20, 000.

Irene Murindahabi the duo's music manager also extended special thanks to those who supported the young talented girls.

"I couldn't make it all alone and for that, we are giving certificates to some individuals who played amazing roles in the duo's two years’ journey," he said.

Before winding up, Prosper Nkomezi got on the stage and blessed the revelers with his hit songs to which the audience sang along.

Vestine and Dorcas returned to the stage and sang 'Ibuye' and 'Nahawe Ijambo', joined by Niyo Bosco joined and their manager.

Speaking to The New Times, Irene Murindahabi said that they have been working on the nine-song album and planned for the concert since the beginning of 2022, which exceeded their expectations.

"It is the MIE first concert and we are so excited that it went really well. We are so thankful to those who came in to support us. Vestine and Dorcas are so happy for the love they received and we promise to keep on doing all we can to give Rwandans the best we can,” said Murindahabi.

Actress Alliah Cool was one of the revelers
Aline Gahongayire was the MC
Ap Alice Mignone donated Rwf one million
Dorcas Kamikazi
It was a full house at the event
The duo performed a song with Niyo Bosco
The show attracted people from all walks of life
Vestine Ishimwe