Spreading the Circumcision Gospel

Circumcision is a very healthy act however due to worries linked to pain during the whole operation it’s considered one of the most feared rites by men since in some cultures the act proves true manhood.

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wycliff Mpagi Mugabo

Circumcision is a very healthy act however due to worries linked to pain during the whole operation it’s considered one of the most feared rites by men since in some cultures the act proves true manhood.

At the age of 22, Wycliff Mpagi Mugabo embarked on his plan of being circumcised during a long senior six vacation.
He is a first year student offering Computer Science at faculty of Science and Technology at Kigali Independent University at Gisozi.

Born on October 24th 1987, Mugabo attended primary at Global Skills Fort Portal and St.Peter’s Secondary in Uganda before repatriating to Rwanda in 2003. He later joined Kigali International Academy for his secondary school education.

"I always wanted to be circumcised but usually postponed because of the allegory that was used by most people regarding the whole ritual,” Mugabo narrates.

"My uncle took me to a private clinic where the whole operation was carried out although I first got disappointed since a woman was going to be present all the way,” he explains. 

The shy Mugabo requested the doctor to send away the lady assistant but he was told that it’s her job to assist the doctor during the operation.

He had to swallow his pride and follow the doctor’s instructions like taking off all his clothes in the presence of a woman who entirely bothered him.

After removing his clothes and laying back, he was flabbergasted by the sight of three injections he got on his penis along its fore skin before the operation begun.

"I could feel every part of my body besides the penis since it was anaesthetized; however at some point during the operation I felt pain then informed the doctor to give me another dose of the injection since the pain was unbearable,” Mugabo stresses.

"Jokingly the doctor told me that it was not possible because once the operation is started the one can’t be elucidated again so I as well told him that the operation should be stopped immediately because I could not stand the pain anymore,” Mugabo said.

His wish was granted and the operation was successful.
Two hours sfter the operation Mugabo was at his home when he started sweating uncontrollably; he felt pain all over his body and as instructed by the doctor, he swallowed painkillers and the pain was gone.

"During the course of my recovery, I constantly got erections unlike the normal ones; this time my penis without warning just enlarged and I felt terrible pain,” explained Mugabo.

He forcefully dressed in trousers during his recovery although it was not advisable. He said he could not bear the humiliation of being seen wearing skirt.

"At one time when I went to the clinic to dress my wounded penis, I found out that the doctor was not there and a lady in her mid 20s had to attend to me; I felt so embarrassed since I could not go back because I had undressed it at home due to the itching,” recalls Mugabo.

It took a week and a half to heal completely hence Mugabo took up the banner of preaching circumcision amongst his friends who have as well seriously taken to the call and willingly got circumcised.
