Nasser, keep it up.

I have been in Kigali for the last six months and what I have seen and heard deserves applause.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I have been in Kigali for the last six months and what I have seen and heard deserves applause.

This particular guy who works on flash FM has caught my attention and the best way to express my appreciation is through Rwanda’s only English daily news paper.

His Ugandan origin has helped him become a celebrity in Kigali because of his Muna U show that graces the airwaves every weekend.

Nasser, you have not only enabled us to follow closely our neighboring country’s music but also helped those who don’t know the language pick an idea.

At the end of the day, both Uganda and Rwanda to some of us have become home.

Bravo we will always be behind you.
