Rhineland-Palatinate donates to returnees

NYAGATARE – The German federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate yesterday donated exotic cows to 17 of the 103 families that were repatriated from Tanzania and resettled in Tabagwe sector, Nyagatare district. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
With smiles. Beneficiaries receiving their cows. (Photo: D. Ngabonziza)

NYAGATARE – The German federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate yesterday donated exotic cows to 17 of the 103 families that were repatriated from Tanzania and resettled in Tabagwe sector, Nyagatare district. 

Handing over the cows in Nyabitekeri cell, the Tabagwe Sector Executive Secretary, John Ngoga urged the beneficiaries to take good care of the cattle. 

‘This donation is a result of good cooperation and partnership between our sector and friends from Rhineland-Palatinate,’ he said, warning that the cattle were more prone to diseases.

He advised every beneficially to build a kraal, noting that the donated cows needed more attention compared to the local breeds they were used to. 

Perusi Mukamphizi, one of the beneficiaries told The New Times that the donation was timely, while Joyce Cyandehire, another beneficiary and mother of five, said that her children would get milk which had been rare in her family.
