RELATIONSHIPS : Show your true colours from the onset

The first time you met him or her, their appearance made an impression on you. You went ahead to even believe they were the right person for a relationship or your love. Never at any time could you even think that such a person could break your heart.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The first time you met him or her, their appearance made an impression on you. You went ahead to even believe they were the right person for a relationship or your love. Never at any time could you even think that such a person could break your heart.

"I met him and everything was just fine, his looks, dress code and soft spoken-ness convinced me to believe he was Mr. Right and eventually my love,” says Alice a friend.
However, like some other relationships Alice’s did not last long.

"The guy used to only come to see me at the end of the month.”

According to Alice, the guy was loaded whenever he showed up but that the intervals between his visits were very wide.

This made Alice to believe it was only after a pay that the partner could visit.

"I could not stand such. Does it mean this man only believed my love for him was money...?” she inquired.

Alice however explained that the partner could pretend to have cash which also forced her to demand expensive things to make sure she stands at the same level with the young man.

To her disappointment, "The man was not all that as I thought, it was just pretence. It came to a time when he could no longer stand the lifestyle he pretended to be in. He finally gave up willingly.”

"If this guy was open to me about his financial potential, I could have understood and limited the demands. But since he proved he was a man enough economically, I also demanded depending on what I could see,” she said.

According to Sarah (not real name) men should know that women demand according to the economic potential you prove to them.

She noted that some men pretend like they are loaded yet not.

"It is also important to pretend like you do not have money even when you do. This will give a partner a true image of the other as regards money and others related,” she emphasized.

She said that to her it is not time to believe and rely on what a new catch promises not until he proves it.

"I never perfectly depend on what these new comers tell me especially when it concerns promising expensive things. Some do it to only please while others have motives to later dump you,” she said.

However, she noted that at times people behave according to their partners, saying that there are couples where the relationship lasts on false or empty promises.

"I know of a couple which identifies each other as liars, but they have been in love for a long time but they are never serious and most times such relationships have no destiny,” she said.