TEMBEA : Have your say

Are online relationships healthy? The internet social networking sites such as Facebook, Afro introductions and chat rooms for some web sites have become bases for loners and people with low esteem.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Are online relationships healthy?

The internet social networking sites such as Facebook, Afro introductions and chat rooms for some web sites have become bases for loners and people with low esteem.

Online relationships in some cases have united people leading to marriages though at times they divorce after a short period. Usually such relationships are just an illusion hence destructive and other social dangers. I interviewed people to get their say on the issue since its happening within our society.


The online relationships are healthy because people get friends from all over the world. Some people are able to go places they thought they will never go thanks to such websites.


Online relationships have promoted sexual abuse such as homosexuality and its dangers. I think that such websites should be penalized and be scrapped off.


It depends on the person who you are relating with online. If they are crooks then one has to end the chatting sessions but that does not mean that all friends online are immoral.


These websites have morally corrupted our youth since they spend most of their time on the internet. When one visits an internet café out of the 10 people there 7 of them are under age yet they are not doing anything constructive.


I don’t see how people yield intimate feelings when they have not met in person. It’s total madness and I would request the blocking of such websites.


People who engage in such relationships are aware of what they are doing so the unhealthy part of it is their business. Personally I would not involve my self in that kind of relationship.

What is your say?
