HEALTHY LIVING : Take it easy, visit the sauna and get a good massage

The word sauna is an ancient Finnish word referring to the traditional Finnish bath as well as to the bathhouse itself. It is a small room or house designed as a place to dry and wet heat sessions. Saunas can be divided into two basic styles: Conventional saunas that warm the air or infrared saunas that warm objects.

Friday, May 14, 2010

The word sauna is an ancient Finnish word referring to the traditional Finnish bath as well as to the bathhouse itself. It is a small room or house designed as a place to dry and wet heat sessions. Saunas can be divided into two basic styles: Conventional saunas that warm the air or infrared saunas that warm objects. And the word massage originated from Arabic word Massa meaning to stroke.

Benefits of a massage

The newest cure-all may be an ancient one: simple touch. The Chinese have been using massage for all kinds of medical conditions for centuries. Now, Western research is confirming that massage isn’t just for muscle pain.

Massage, it turns out, may boost immunity and help people with a range of conditions from premenstrual syndrome to high blood pressure. It also seems to help soothe pain from arthritis, burns and even surgery. Here are five surprising facts about massage from the research findings;

1. Pick Your Spot: You don’t have to massage the part of the body that hurts most. If you’re shy about letting a friend touch your aching lower back, for instance, she could help by massaging your shoulders instead. This is because massage creates chemical changes that reduce pain and stress throughout the body. One way it does this is by reducing a brain chemical called substance P that is related to pain.

2. De-Stress, Stay Healthy. Massage may boost immunity. Several studies have measured the stress hormone called cortisol in subjects’ saliva before and after massage sessions, and found dramatic decreases. Cortisol, which is produced when you are stressed, kills cells important for immunity, so when massage reduces your stress levels and hence the cortisol in your body, it may help you avoid getting a cold or another illness while under stress.

3. Blood Pressure Benefits: Massage reduces hypertension, research suggests.  This may be because it stimulates pressure receptors that prompt action from the vague nerve which regulates blood pressure, one of the nerves that emerges from the brain.

4. Self Help. You can massage yourself. Although you don’t have to massage the part of the body that hurts to relieve pain, targeting that area does tend to help more. One example is massaging the arms. If you’re in danger of developing inflamed nerves in your hands or arms from repetitive movements (like typing on a keyboard, or even gripping a steering wheel for hours at a time) try massaging your arms for 15 minutes a day. Stroke from the wrist to the elbow and back down on both sides of the forehand.

Without mincing any words, I love saunas very much! In fact at some point I think am addicted to saunas, hardly a week passes before I would have visited my favorite sauna and later on for a massage.

I find these very therapeutic for me especially after a day’s hard work. Since my house is like a school with children all over, I make sure I visit a sauna twice a week for a treat and some rest before I head back to my camp.

Those who know the benefits of sauna will attest that, they have really been helped, not just in terms of resting, but also healthy wise too.

As much as one can visit the sauna without having a massage or vice versa, it is always advised to combine the two for some very good reasons.

Benefits of visiting the sauna

The benefits to the body are nothing short of amazing when using saunas. Saunas make you sweat, this helps in removing waste from our bodies. They also are beneficial for regulating our body temperatures. In actual fact several medical studies have shown the health benefits of far-infrared heat therapy.

A number of people claim that the amount of sweat produced during a far infrared sauna session can be as much as three times greater than in a traditional sauna.

The traditional sauna is hotter than an infrared sauna. The benefit of the cooler atmosphere is that it enables you to stay in the sauna longer, this results in deeper heat penetration resulting in more sweat hence cleansing more toxins.

One thing to note is that the high temperature inside a sauna can harm those with high blood pressure, pregnant women, elderly people, and little children. So always check with your physician if you have any doubts or questions concerning your health.

Professionals from around the world, including doctors and researchers have revealed the great health benefits of using sauna heat to stimulate the immune system, and detoxification of the body, along with producing a state of general relaxation. All this is essential to the healing process and rejuvenation of the body

Life is short; make the best of it while you can. After a hectic day at work- sauna and a good massage can do wonders for a tired body and mind for better health.
