Mayor cautions students on abuse

RUHANGO – The Mayor of Ruhango district, Célestin Twagirumukiza, has asked students to collaborate with authorities to fight Gender Based Violence (GBV) and other forms of abuse in the district.

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Ruhango students join Police and local leaders in a peaceful march against gender based violence. (Photo: D. Sabiiti)

RUHANGO – The Mayor of Ruhango district, Célestin Twagirumukiza, has asked students to collaborate with authorities to fight Gender Based Violence (GBV) and other forms of abuse in the district.

He made the call during the launch of GBV Police week at the district hall on Tuesday. During the launch, Police officials, students and residents conducted a peaceful march through Ruhango town to denounce cases GBV in the region.

Twagirumukiza said, "District officials need full cooperation from students by giving necessary information so as to track down the culprits involved in sexual and drug abuse in schools.”

The District Police commander, Supt Fred Simugaya said that the GBV week will involve outreach programmes among the students’ communities and educating families on ways of fighting various aspects of domestic violence.

Supt. Simugaya urged residents to break the silence on cases of abuse and reaffirmed Police’s readiness to handle the vice.

Women leaders in the area underscored the need to step up awareness campaigns on GBV laws and advocacy of child and mothers’ rights.
