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Merry Christmas to you dear children on the streets, villages, children in prisons, orphanages and children in war torn countries.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas to you dear children on the streets, villages, children in prisons, orphanages and children in war torn countries.

On this special day I bring you these two innocent children, the one with maize is from Kabuga while the other with goats is from Musanze Ruhengeri - Northern Province.

If I may guess right, these children’s health can not be compared to a child staying with parents who are wealthy. It definitely shows that these children’s parents are living in poverty.

I was told that such children lack a lot in their lives. If only one had a chance to reach out to them, then one can get to know how underprivileged these children are.

Many of these children still do not go to school yet education is free. The poor feeding makes them sickly and unable to regularly attend school.

In the beginning I started wishing Christmas to children in prisons and villages to mention but a few.

Today is Christmas we are busy enjoy our favourite foods and drinks, but we also have to think of children who are going hungry at this time.

These children may not be from distant places; most of these needy children can be found in our neighboring areas or streets.

It is Christmas today; Christmas is all about sharing our best with people around us. Dear Rwandans, as we honor the birth of our lord Jesus Christ, also remember the needy and all those unhappy people in our society.           
