Wow! Happy birthday to all born with Baby Jesus

I count it great blessings to be born at the same time and day with Baby Jesus. Dear children born today, your coming into the world at such a unique time is a beautiful thing.

Monday, December 24, 2007

I count it great blessings to be born at the same time and day with Baby Jesus. Dear children born today, your coming into the world at such a unique time is a beautiful thing.

Since our focus is on baby Jesus born to us today, let me tell you who Jesus is. Jesus walked the earth 2,000 years ago.

Jesus’ Icon or what I can call image continues to be the most prominent picture in the world today. Jesus was born like any one of us, grew up into a man, with flesh and blood among us.

But there’s something that makes him unique. Jesus gives sight to the blind. In the bible, He calmed strong storms with His word, fed 5,000 people, raised a man from the dead and above all rose from the dead.

Jesus himself has gone through the whole of human experience, from the worst pain shame, defeat, misery and death.

Jesus is a great religious teacher and a compassionate lover of sinners, a man who strives for peace and one who is tough on injustice.

Jesus understands humans better than anyone; the greatest man who ever lived, the great God who came to us.

Jesus Christ gave the message of love, mercy and compassion to the entire humankind. No other great leader has inspired so many positive changes in the lives of his followers like Him.

People who come across the risen Christ are totally transformed. Dear children born today may your lives be transformed.

As you grow up, may you grow into great believers, may Jesus Christ be your redeemer, helper and protector. May He guide you all the days of your life.

Live to serve Him for you will never regret in all your life. Happy birthday to you once again.
