MC Fab to release Election Track

With only less than three months to Rwanda’s Presidential elections, Fabien Gahiza, a.k.a MC Fab is set to release his new election track. According to the artiste, the track dubbed ‘Tora Paul Kagame’, literally translated to mean ‘Vote for Paul Kagame’ is already in production and will soon be released.

Thursday, May 13, 2010
MC Fab

With only less than three months to Rwanda’s Presidential elections, Fabien Gahiza, a.k.a MC Fab is set to release his new election track.

According to the artiste, the track dubbed ‘Tora Paul Kagame’, literally translated to mean ‘Vote for Paul Kagame’ is already in production and will soon be released.

"I’ve finished the audio of the track, and I am now finalizing with its video for release at the same time,” MC Fab said.

"The video will show President Paul Kagame’s achievements during his seven year mandate,” he said, adding that, "He has literally performed miracles in Rwanda’s development and that’s why I encourage Rwandans to vote for him again.”  

‘Tora Paul Kagame’ is produced by ETB at M&C music studios in Nyamirambo and its entire production cost him Rwf 500,000.
