5200 demobilized in 2009

The Rwanda Demobilisation and Reintegration Commission (RDRC), demobilized 5,207 ex-combatants last year.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Rwanda Demobilisation and Reintegration Commission (RDRC), demobilized 5,207 ex-combatants last year.

Jean Sayinzoga, the RDRC chairman revealed this yesterday while meeting with the development partners.

The meeting aimed at sharing information on the progress of the commission was attended by representatives of the World Bank, Netherlands and a German development bank, KfW banking group.

Sayinzoga explained that the commission achieved all its targets in 2009 and is now on course of realizing this year’s targets. 

The commission had a target of demobilizing 6500 in 2009. This year only, the commission has a target of demobilizing 3900 combatants, 2,000 of them former RDF and 1,900 former armed groups (Ex-AGs).

Each of the mobilized Ex-RDF and Ex-AGs received Rwf 120, 000 as a Reintegration Grant (RG).

Francis Musoni, the coordinator of RDRC said that the commission has all the resources to "even demobilize a bigger number than that targeted.”

"Some of the Ex-AGs still have issues still keeping them in the jungles of Congo and fear to come back home. But the commission has all it needs to help in their demobilization, even if they came in larger numbers than targeted.” Musoni said.

Currently, RDRC has two transit centres; Rubavu and Nyagatare transit centres, all in the Western Province.
