Genocide has no place in Rwanda - Envoy

KAMONYI – The Rwandan Ambassador to China, François Xavier Ngarambe has reassured residents that there will never again be genocide in Rwanda because of the current zeal among citizens  to rebuild a new country.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

KAMONYI – The Rwandan Ambassador to China, François Xavier Ngarambe has reassured residents that there will never again be genocide in Rwanda because of the current zeal among citizens  to rebuild a new country.

Ngarambe made the remarks, during the genocide memorial in Gacurabwenge, Kamonyi district last Sunday. 

At least remains of 91 genocide victims were given a decent burial by thousands of mourners, who also paid tribute to over 32,000 victims previously buried at the site.

"Genocide has no place in Rwanda and it will not happen again. We must fight this war collectively and not accept to lose any more people in the future,” he said.

"The young generation today has a future which is not based on divisionism and ethnicity and the residents are vibrant towards rebuilding the community. This is a sign that 16 years from now, all Rwandans have been enjoined towards development, as a common factor rather than through other narrow considerations.”

Genocide survivors reaffirmed their optimism to live with hope and called for greater community support.

Wellars Kayiranga, the representative of Kamonyi survivors, said:
"Survivors should start living with hope and courage so as to be part of the current trend of development. There is need to have a collective effort, to support and care for each other in order to address problems of trauma.”

The event was also characterised by numerous cases of traumatic cases among mourners.
