Stay off our mobile phones!

Editor, Of recent MTN mobile phone subscribers in Rwanda have been treated to a barrage of intrusive text messages, which among others,  claim they could win millions of Francs if they did this and that or informing them about driving exams being conducted by the police.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Of recent MTN mobile phone subscribers in Rwanda have been treated to a barrage of intrusive text messages, which among others,  claim they could win millions of Francs if they did this and that or informing them about driving exams being conducted by the police.

One can only wonder - who gives the right to this telecom to fill up our inboxes with almost daily SMS’ saying things some of us could not care any less about? Are our personal phones now being used as an advertising platform?

I must admit that I am not fully conversant with the laws governing the relationship between the service provider and the handset holder.

However, with the kind of random messages being sent to our phones, I can tell that somebody is abusing my right of privacy.

It is one thing to inform me of a new calling rate offer and it is totally another to tell me about the events unfolding in the Police Week.

If there is any lawyer out there trying to build their career, please take this one up on behalf of MTN subscribers. We are already contemplating eloping with our other persistent suitors.

MTN mobile phone subscriber