Teachers warned against immoral conduct

KAYONZA – Staff at Nyamirama Secondary School, Kayonza district have been warned against breaching the ethics of the teaching profession if they were to command respect from the public.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

KAYONZA – Staff at Nyamirama Secondary School, Kayonza district have been warned against breaching the ethics of the teaching profession if they were to command respect from the public.

The chairman of the school’s Parents’ Committee, Reverend John Marara, made the remarks while responding to reports that two members of staff, Léopold Mugabo, teacher in charge of academic affairs and Perpétue Niyonsaba Kabano the school secretary, were involved in unbecoming conduct.

Speaking at a parents’ meeting over the weekend, Rev. Marara said that the conduct of the two staff members tarnished the image of the teaching and administrative staff and offered a very bad example to the students.

Bell Akayezu, the school’s matron said that such unbecoming behavior is often taken up by the girls which ultimately affect their studies.

The district’s vice Mayor in charge of Social Affairs, Anita Mutesi who was also at the meeting, warned teachers against misconduct.

"This school was marred by all sorts of evil in the past including genocide ideology and even cases of defilement. Much as the situation seems to be improving I think we need to be more vigilance as administrators if progress has to be made,” she told the school staff.

It also emerged that the school currently has no head teacher after Egide Hanyurimfura the former head was recently suspended by the Ministry of Education, for allegedly admitting over 80 students illegally.
