If you really need education, you have to follow the school rules and regulations, by being in the right place, time and doing the right thing .Try to listen to your teachers very carefully, asking questions where you don’t understand, remember “a closed mouth catches no flies”.
If you really need education, you have to follow the school rules and regulations, by being in the right place, time and doing the right thing.
Try to listen to your teachers very carefully, asking questions where you don’t understand, remember "a closed mouth catches no flies”.
If your fellow student makes a mistake, correct him gently; we shall never be judged by how old we are but how much we have contributed to our generation.
Never dare laugh at others when they make a mistake because everyone makes mistakes. When you laugh at other students they become discouraged, and their learning process is affected.
Learn to help each other, as it is said "no man is an island and "two heads are better than one”. Bear in mind that cooperation among students is of paramount importance in education and in their everyday life.
Learn to work hard, keeping in mind that "there is no gain without sweat.” If you find your lessons hard, don’t yield to sorrow. Instead keep concentrating for "he who works hard today his tasks grow lighter and easier tomorrow.” Also remember that ‘where there’s a will there’s a way.’
Learn to manage your time properly, knowing that "good time management is a key to success.” In the same way don’t cast for tomorrow what you can do today. Otherwise you will find yourselves in trouble at a time. Remember "passed time never gets back.” So, always strike the iron when it’s still hot.
Avail every opportunity to practice speaking English or any other international language. No matter what people say about your mistakes, remember that we learn a language through making mistakes. Keep in mind that "practice makes perfect.”
You know that you are identified with reference to your friends, because it’s widely known that "a man is known by the company he keeps”.
If you are in company of people who behave badly, you risk undergoing negative peer pressure. Don’t rush into certain things, like pre-marital sex, or else your future will be spoilt and your dreams shattered. Keep in mind that "a dream without a dreamer is never a dream.”
Remain faithful to God the creator, the giver of life, knowledge, wisdom and so forth. Remember that "greatness is not measured by how much we do but by how much we serve others.”
The author is a student at Sonrise High School