National police is so far impressive

I happened to be out over the weekend and I observed with pleasure that the security mounted by the national police especially by the traffic police sector is promising.

Monday, December 24, 2007

I happened to be out over the weekend and I observed with pleasure that the security mounted by the national police especially by the traffic police sector is promising.

As we get into the festive season, the stringent measures by police —much to the chagrin of many especially night revealers --would not have been introduced at a better time.

The fact that it is during this season that most accidents occur, called for much tougher measures especially on Kigali roads to minimise the number of accidents.

My only appeal to police especially to those officers who are deployed on the roads is to desist corruption that may come in handy for them to enable themselves (police) enjoy the season.

Those breathalyzers that have been given to them to test drunk drivers should also not be used to victimize people in case they are indeed not drunk.

I would also take this opportunity to wish all Rwandans a merry Christmas and a prosperous new year of 2008.
