The secret life of... : Ndjoli Kayitankore

Ndjoli Kayitankore is popularly known as Kanyombya the role he plays a drama series. However, the actor is currently working with city radio in the Abarezi Family Show which starts at 10a.m and ends at mid-day.

Sunday, May 09, 2010
Ndjoli Kayitankore

Ndjoli Kayitankore is popularly known as Kanyombya the role he plays a drama series. However, the actor is currently working with city radio in the Abarezi Family Show which starts at 10a.m and ends at mid-day.

Below, Kayitankore shades some light on the backstage of his offstage life:

The first thing you do in the morning
I pray and immediately have breakfast

When are you happiest?
When my audience appreciates my films and actions

Greatest fear
Satan and death

Affectionate memory of your parents
Their great love and care 

What keeps you awake at night?
Whenever I fail to pay someone’s debt in time.

The most important thing life has taught you
Not all human beings are good.
Greatest achievement
My acting techniques which have made me popular whenever I go
During your free time

I spend time with my friends
Retirement plans
I will use my experience to teach children about life