Ministers call on residents to steer economic development

GICUMBI- The Minister of Trade and Industry, Monique Nzanzabaganwa and her colleague in charge of Environment and Lands, Stanislas Kamanzi on Friday advised Gicumbi district residents to engage in income generating activities, in order to eradicate poverty and steer economic activities. 

Saturday, May 08, 2010

GICUMBI- The Minister of Trade and Industry, Monique Nzanzabaganwa and her colleague in charge of Environment and Lands, Stanislas Kamanzi on Friday advised Gicumbi district residents to engage in income generating activities, in order to eradicate poverty and steer economic activities. 

Speaking in Nyamiyaga sector, Nsanzabaganwa urged residents to embrace sector savings and cooperative society (SACCOs) so as to access credit facilities that shall enable them to finance their economic activities.

"Umurenge SACCO is one of the means through which residents can access credit to finance their income generating

projects,” said Nsanzabaganwa. 
The residents have so far raised Rwf280 million through Saccos. However the minister challenged residents to set a much higher target for mobilizing funds so as to enable many residents access credit facilities.

"You should in addition engage in high scale wheat production because there is a ready market from Byumba’s Pembe

Wheat factory,” she added. 
Kamanzi on his part emphasized the need to protect the environment through tree planting and terrace construction. "Trees are the source of rainfall needed for agriculture production and the air we breathe,” said Kamanzi. 

He also advised residents to register their land in order to acquire title deeds which he said could help them access bank loans. 

The Minister further urged residents to protect Rugezi swamp because it is the source of water needed for domestic and industrial use.

Also present was Mayor Bonane Nyangezi, and Rwanda Defense Forces (RDF) 408 Brigade commander Brig. General Eric Murokore.      
