Old age financial support, another great initiative

The recent announcement that the Ministry of Local Government will soon start paying a monthly stipend to the elderly, is yet another indication that government is serious about ensuring the social welfare of the population.

Thursday, May 06, 2010

The recent announcement that the Ministry of Local Government will soon start paying a monthly stipend to the elderly, is yet another indication that government is serious about ensuring the social welfare of the population.

Once implemented, Rwandans over 65 years of age, who have no pension plan, will for the start get Rwf5200 monthly to cater for their needs.

This kind of support will undoubtedly have a very big impact on the lives of seniors, who at their age are not in the best position to work for a living and at times have no other source of income.

Additionally, this money will not only benefit the recipients, but also the communities they live in. By being guaranteed some income, their purchasing power will increase, therefore, injecting money into the local economy within their communities.

However, prior to the implementation of this initiative, ample sensitisation has to be conducted to ensure that this money is not wasted. Families of the seniors should encourage them to budget accordingly, so that the fund sustains them until the next pay check.

Those charged with overseeing the old age Fund, should also keep close watch, making sure that the money gets to the legitimate beneficiaries.

This is a very commendable initiative on the part of the Government, and it portrays the spirit of supporting one another - one of the fundamental Rwandan values.
