Investment Forum to open next week

KIGALI - A two-day investment forum is set to open in Kigali next week where more than 200 leading business executives from Rwanda, the region and around the world are expected to attend. The Forum, to be held from May 10-11, is being organised by the Commonwealth Business Council in partnership with the Rwanda Development Board.

Thursday, May 06, 2010

KIGALI - A two-day investment forum is set to open in Kigali next week where more than 200 leading business executives from Rwanda, the region and around the world are expected to attend.

The Forum, to be held from May 10-11, is being organised by the Commonwealth Business Council in partnership with the Rwanda Development Board.

President Paul Kagame is expected to officially open the forum which aims at expanding Rwanda’s network of relationships created by joining the Commonwealth, and her reputation for stability and good economic management.

"Rwanda has chosen a path to development that has the private sector as its central pillar. To enable that, significant reforms have been undertaken to improve the business climate including cutting bureaucracy, strengthening institutional efficiency and promoting pro-business policies that make Rwanda one of the easiest countries in which to do business,” President Kagame said in a statement.

"Indeed, these reforms have earned recognition of Rwanda as top global reformer in the World Bank Doing Business Report 2010. The Investment Forum will profile Rwanda’s national trade and investment strategies, as well as business opportunities in all economic sectors”.

The forum, to be held under the theme; ‘Accessing an East African Market of 150 Million and Accelerating Growth and Development’, will profile the national trade and investment strategies, and business opportunities in all major economic sectors.

"This year’s forum is particularly important. It truly provides an opportunity for forging gainful partnerships, breaking into new markets and seizing new opportunities,” said John Gara, CEO of the Rwanda Development Board.

Deliberations will focus on investment opportunities in ICT, Tourism, Mining, Agriculture, Manufacturing, Agro-processing, Construction and Real Estate.

"It will provide a window through which the world can gain a better perspective of Rwanda and a platform for showcasing to participants, not only Rwanda’s investor-friendly and predictable environment, but also its enormous opportunities in a vast array of sectors.” Gara added.
