The noose is tightening

Editor, For too long certain European countries have been seen as safe havens for genocide fugitives and war criminals; where they could quietly disappear and pretend that nothing happened. However, it seems that these people are being brought to the light more and more.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010


For too long certain European countries have been seen as safe havens for genocide fugitives and war criminals; where they could quietly disappear and pretend that nothing happened. However, it seems that these people are being brought to the light more and more.

The news that the Prosecution service would soon issue a warrant of arrest for a top Genocide fugitive in the Netherlands, ex-FAR Maj. Pierre-Claver Karangwa, hasn’t been the only good news. 

Three other alleged Genocide suspects have also been brought to light, all living in the same country.

They were identified as Charles Ndereyehe Ntahontuye, the former Director General of ISAR-Rubona, Venant Rutunga, a former regional director of ISAR and Jean Baptiste Nyabusore, Director of ISAE-Busogo.

They probably thought that the long arm of the law wouldn’t catch up with them. But they were wrong.

I urge the Prosecution service to quickly rustle up some arrest warrants for them as well. We demand justice. I hope that the Dutch authorities don’t hinder that.

Brenda Kamaliza