Police destroy illicit drugs

HUYE/GICUMBI – Police in different parts of the country on Tuesday destroyed   various forms of illegal drugs and illicit alcohol commonly known as ‘Kanyanga’ underscoring the force’s efforts to fight drug abuse within society.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Supt. Etienne Rutayisire, Mayor Uhagaze and Col. Karemera participating in destruction of illicit drugs. (Photo: J.P Bucyensenge)

HUYE/GICUMBI – Police in different parts of the country on Tuesday destroyed   various forms of illegal drugs and illicit alcohol commonly known as ‘Kanyanga’ underscoring the force’s efforts to fight drug abuse within society.

In Huye district, marijuana and ‘kanyanga’ with an  estimated street value of Rwf 12m was destroyed in Ngoma sector while in Gicumbi district, Northern Province, the illicit brew was set ablaze outside the precincts of Gicumbi Intermediate Court.

Authorities in Huye said that the disposal was intended to show residents that drugs have no place in the Rwandan society. 

The Huye District Police commander, Supt. Etienne Rutayisire said the drugs were impounded by police in collaboration with residents and thanked the residents for their role in combating drug abuse. 

"Our cooperation with local residents is good. We are able to get timely information on drug dealers and abusers,” Supt. Rutayisire said, warning drug dealers of imminent arrest if they don’t abandon such illegal trade.  

Huye district Mayor, François Uhagaze, warned residents of the dangers of drugs on their health. 

The same message was passed to residents of Gicumbi. The District Police commander, Supt. Jean de Dieu Gashiramanga, cautioned residents against trafficking and consuming of the illicit brew.

"Consumption of such banned drinks and substances is harmful to your health and is responsible for majority of reported and unreported domestic violent crimes,” said Gashiramanga. 

Drug trafficking attracts between 3 months to 5 years imprisonment, according to the Penal Code.
