NUR Journalism School to relocate next year

The School of Journalism and Communication will shift from the National University of Rwanda’s (NUR) in Huye District to Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) at the beginning of the 2011 academic year.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010
PROGRESS SLOW: Ignatius Kabagambe (Photo / F. Goodman)

The School of Journalism and Communication will shift from the National University of Rwanda’s (NUR) in Huye District to Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) at the beginning of the 2011 academic year.

This was revealed Monday by the Director General in the Ministry of Information, Ignatius Kabagambe.

"We acquired the building where it will be relocated and its now under renovation. We hope, effective next year, the NUR Journalism School will have shifted to this building and in operation,” Kabagambe said

He was responding to questions from media practitioners at Catholic Institute of Kabyayi (ICK) in Muhanga District during celebrations to mark the World Press Freedom Day.
The same building under renovation will also house the Great Lakes Media Centre (GLMC).

The idea to relocate the school to Kigali is aimed at helping Journalists working in Kigali to acquire relevant skills.

According to the media law enacted recently, all media practitioners are required to have a diploma as a minimum qualification to practice journalism.
