Police construct road as Community Policing week ends

RUSIZI – Police and Rusizi residents on Monday constructed a 3-kilometre road network in Mururu sector, during the closure of the Community Policing week in the district. The Police also used the occasion to burn a consignment of 8 kg of marijuana which had been impounded from illegal dealers in the area.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Police officers set marijuana ablaze in Mururu sector.

RUSIZI – Police and Rusizi residents on Monday constructed a 3-kilometre road network in Mururu sector, during the closure of the Community Policing week in the district.

The Police also used the occasion to burn a consignment of 8 kg of marijuana which had been impounded from illegal dealers in the area.

"We chose Mururu to dispose of the drugs as it is a known transit zone,” said Superintendent Johnson Sesonga, the District Police commander. 

Sesonga noted that in Mururu, a good number of youth are drug addicts, adding that the drugs are smuggled into the sector from the Democratic Republic of Congo, through Lake Kivu. 

"The disposal of this consignment should send a message that marijuana has no place in society,” a resident Evariste Kajemundimwe, said of the event. 

Jean Marie Leonardo Murenzi, the Mururu Sector Executive Secretary, blamed drugs for violent crimes in the area.

Before setting the drugs ablaze, residents were warned of the dangers of drug abuse and they promised to work hand in hand with the police, to fight the vice.
